This page offers simple instructions about how we can link together. We review all link requests carefully and look for quality links that will benefit our site visitors.
Please choose the link below that best fits your link page. After you have placed the link on your web site, please email us with "Reciprocal Link" in the subject line, so that we can include a link back to you. Feel free to include a brief blurb (no more than 25 words) of the link we will make to you, using keywords relevant to your business, which will help your site's search engine position and, of course, encourage users to click through to your site from ours. Valid reciprocal links between peers strengthens both Google "PageRank" as well as search engine placement.
Any site that links to is free to copy the logo appearing at the bottom of this page and display it on your web site.
1) Short version
The Modular Home Book – an essential guide to building your dream modular home.
Here is the HTML code that you can copy into your site:
2) A more helpful, explanatory version with some keywording that will help your site's search engine positions
The Modular Home Book Resource Site – An essential guide covering all aspects of modular home building and design, from choosing a dealer to financing. Ideal book for dealers, contractors, or new home customers looking to buy a modular house or addition.
Here is the HTML code that you can copy into your site:
Optional: Logo for either version
